HR Actions SOPs
Enlisted Promotion System (EPS)

Guidance for the Georgia Army National Guard (GAARNG) Enlisted Promotion System (EPS). These instructions are intended to provide a reference for all EPS actions including the procedures for use by centralized promotion boards.

Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) SOP Part A - Board Preparation
Enlisted Promotion System (EPS) SOP Part B - Selection, Promotion, and other EPM Policies.
Officer Promotion System

Prescribes NGB and Georgia Army National Guard (GA ARNG) procedures governing the appointment,assignment, and management of Officers and Warrant Officers of the AARNG. Provides eligibility requirements, administrative procedures, applications processing, and other related Officers personnel actions to include Branch and MOS changes requirements, promotion, civilian, and federal recognition.


Procedural guidance on G1 Officer Boards for members of the GA ARNG.
  • Selective Retention Board (SRB)
  • Career Management Board (CMB)
  • Field Grade Assignment Committee (FGAC)
  • Senior Service College (SSC) Selection
  • Senior Warrant Officer Selection Board (SWOSB)
Procedural guidance on G1 Enlisted Boards for members of the GA ARNG.
  • Qualitative Retention Board (QRB)
  • Sergeants Major Course (SMC) Selection
  • Leadership Board
  • Senior NCO Career Management
  • Senior NCO Assignment Boards

Additional Enlisted Board Files

HR Services SOPs
Verification of PostSecondary Education

Promotions and duty assignments are based in part on Soldiers' educational levels to determine if they are prepared for the next level of responsibility. The intent of this SOP is to ensure educational records are properly submitted, verified, and certified. This allows the transcript to be properly recorded as an official transcript, once it is transmitted to iPERMS.

Army Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) and Army Credentialing Assistance (CA)

For eligible Army National Guard Soldiers attending an accredited post-secondary institution who wish to request Army FTA funds to pay for one or more courses.

Eligibility and Applying for Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) (Chapter 1606) and Kicker

The Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) (Chapter 1606) is an educational program that provides up to 36 months of education benefit to members of the Selected Reserve. This SOP does not refer to other chapters (1607, 30, 33) of the GI Bill.

Service Cancelable Loan (SCL) or Georgia Guard Service Scholarship (GNG SCL)

For eligable Army National Guard Soldiers attending a Georgia Public or Private accredited post-secondary institution who wish to use the Service Cancelable Loan.

Eligibility and Applying for Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill and Transfer of Benefit (TEB) to Eligible Dependents

The Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill is an education program that provides up to 36 months of education benefit for service members who served on active duty after September 11th, 2001. Eligible Soldiers are able to recieve additional monthly payments if they have the Kicker Incentive. This chapter of the GI Bill can be shared with family members through the TEB process.

Procedures for Enlisted/Officer (M-Day) Non-Regular Retirement

Procedural guidance for both M-Day Enlisted personnel and Officers requesting retirement from the Georgia Army National Guard.

Additional Retirement Files

Blended Retirement Continuation Pay (BRS-CP)

Eligible Army National Guard Soldiers who have enrolled in the Blended Retirement System and are between 11 and 12 years of service, can recieve an incentive for agreeing to continue service for an additional 4 years.

HR Medical SOPs
Electronic Case Management (ECASE)

The Electronic Case Management (eCase) module is used to open, track, and determine the disposition of medical cases for Army National Guard (ARNG) Soldiers. The eCase module provides an automated case-management workflow and taskmanagement system that provides an integrated view of all related data that is obtained from other medical management systems.

GA ARNG G1 SOP - Defense Health Agency-Great Lakes (DHA-GL)

The Defense Health Agency-Great Lakes (DHA-GL), formerly known as Military Medical Support Office (MMSO), is responsible for the authorization of civilian health care for Georgia Army National Guard Soldiers who are not in the 50 mile catchment area of a Military Treatment Facility (MTF) or, as determined by DHA-GL, based on the Home of Record (HOR) listed in the Standard Installation/Division Personnel Reporting System (SIDPERS) or the Integrated Personnel and Pay System - Army (IPPS-A). Medical eligibility documents are used to document, establish, manage, and authorize civilian health care for eligible Reservist and National Guard members who incur or aggravate an injury, illness or disease in the line of duty.

GA ARNG G1 SOP - Incapacitation (INCAP) Pay

The Incapacitation (INCAP) System is to compensate, to the extent permitted by law, members of the Reserve Components (RC) who are unable to perform military duties and/or who demonstrate a loss in civilian earned income as a result of an injury, illness, or disease incurred or aggravated in the line of duty and to provide the required medical and dental care associated with the incapacitation.

GA ARNG G1 SOP - Reserve Component Managed Care Mobilization-Training (RCMC/MT)

Reserve Component Managed Care Mobilization/Training (RCMC M/T) is designed to increase unit readiness by providing an avenue for Soldiers with a service-connected illness, injury, or disease to receive medical treatment and follow-up care so they can return to a fit-for-duty status, or if required, reach a Medical Retention Determination Point (MRDP). RCMC M/T issues orders pursuant to Title 10 United States Code (USC), section 12301(h). Soldiers will be entitled to the same pay and medical benefits as provided for members of the Active Army.

Chapter 3 Retention Evaluation

The Chapter 3 Retention Evaluation is performed by the Deputy State Surgeon-Clinical (DSS-C). A Chapter 3 Retention Evaluation is necessary to evaluate whether a Soldier meets retention standards in accordance with (IAW) AR 40-501 Ch. 3. This evaluation can be either in person or by a review of medical documents, provided by the Soldier, by the DSS-C.

MOS Administrative Retention Review (MAR2)

MOS Administrative Retention Review (MAR2) is a Commander's tool to identify Soldiers in their unit who have permanent medical limitations (P3/P4 profiles) and request an administrative review to determine if the Soldier meets standards of his/her Area of Concentration (AOC) or Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS). This is accomplished by an administrative review of the Soldier's permanent profile (DA Form 3349) against the AOC/PMOS standards outlined in Smartbook, DA PAM 611-21/AOC (see below link), and recommendations from the Soldier and his/her chain of command on the Soldier?s ability to perform in their AOC/PMOS in a deployed/field environment. MAR2 will enhance readiness by providing a process to monitor and maintain a quality force. This process will help to ensure that Soldiers are physically qualified and prepared to fulfill Army National Guard (ARNG) missions worldwide.

Medical Retention Determination Point (MRDP)

The Medical Retention Determination Point (MRDP) program is designed to process Georgia Army National Guard Soldiers who have reached their clinical MRDP for discharge or have been temporarily profiled for more than 365 days, meeting administrative MRDP in accordance with AR 40-501, Para 3-1.

Non-duty Related Physical Evaluation Board (NDR-PEB)

The Non-Duty Related Physical Evaluation Board (NDR-PEB) provides guidance for Georgia Army National Guard Soldiers who were not on active duty for more than 30 days, OR do not have an approved In Line of Duty (ILOD ) for a medical injury, illness, or disease that does not meet medical retention standards in accordance with AR 40-501, Chapter 3. These Soldiers are referred to the NDR-PEB solely for a fitness determination upon their request.

Behavioral Health Services

This Behavioral Health Services Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) provides Commanders, Units, Medical Providers, and the Behavioral Health (BH) office with a framework to ensure effective utilization of the BH Program capabilities, standards and policies so that they are clearly understood and disseminated throughout the Georgia Army National Guard (GAARNG). The BH Providers serve to support Soldiers by conducting BH evaluations and assessments, providing crisis intervention, and assisting in connecting to resources. Each Major Subordinate Command (MSC) has a designated Case Manager (CM) whose main role is to track and assist the Soldier through the BH process until they are return to duty (RTD) or, are separated from the GAARNG.

Board Certification and Incentive Pay for Health Professional Officers

The Soldier Recovery Unit (SRU) is designed to voluntarily return Reserve Component (RC) Soldiers back to temporary active duty, to evaluate or treat verified service connected medical conditions or injuries.

Identification, Notification, Surveillance, and Administration of Soldiers infected with HIV

The purpose of this SOP is to provide standard information regarding the Identification, Notification, Surveillance, and Administration of Soldiers Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

Separate attachments to the Identification, Notification, Surveillance, and Administration of Soldiers infected with HIV SOP

Medical Records

This SOP provides instructions for maintenance and requests of Soldier Treatment Records (STR) for all members of the Georgia Army National Guard.

Separate attachments to the Medical Records SOP

Georgia Recovery Unit

The Georgia Recovery Unit (GRU) is a new comprehensive program that supports medically disqualified soldiers in their transition to either return to duty or veteran status. Our goal is to improve the medical readiness of the Georgia Army National Guard by providing personalized case management and guidance.

Interstate Transfer & Strength Management SOPs
HR Systems SOPs
HR Plans SOPs